Sunday, June 7, 2009

the best way to calm down is to relax.....!

आप भी कैमरा का ध्यान खीच सकते है .......यह बहोत आसान है.......

Friday, June 5, 2009


Thursday, June 4, 2009

“Excellence is to change a mess into a masterpiece with the paintbrush of the mind”

To those that extend their love and greetings on the Anniversary, my gracious and sincere thanks..
To those that lament the absence of a response from me.. my apologies..
To those that come on board for the very first time.. a warm welcome..
To those that occupy millions of cyber space on the blog with just one greeting.. thank you for your ingenuity and the length of your love..
To those that debate decisions. a welcome attribute to your right..
To those who line their communication with hate .. a greater attribute to your right ..
To those that reminisce old times and associations.. thank you for the nostalgia..
To those that show me respect.. my heartfelt respects to them..
To those that do not.. my respect for their decision.. they may be right..
To those that demand .. my assurance of a compliance..
To those that exhibit exuberance.. I reciprocate your energy..
To those that have nothing to say.. I think you say a lot..
To those that say a lot.. I think you say too little..
To those that seek … I give..
To those who understand … I understand you..
To those that despair on my sleeping habits .. I hear you ..
To those that love .. my love to you ..

And to those that have simply not understood the reason and meaning of the above .. there shall always be another time ..

“ People are made to be loved and things are made to be used. The confusion arises in the world when “people are used and things are loved”.

Though my mobile and EF friend on blog has this to say –
“Sometimes humor not only sheds light, but also makes light of annoying situations. Users for instance are despised by all but listen to this –
‘Get used to being used .. because if nobody uses you, it means that you are really useless’…!!

The night closes in and the hour to slide in to the comfort of the bed is inviting. How, ever, did nature think of putting us in to rest during the darkness of the night and why did it create within our bodies that particular chemical so necessary for sleep, to be manufactured after the sun had set. Why the night, for a process of recuperation and why the morning to be bright and fresh. Why not the other way. How did nature know, or how did it decide to dictate that the human would work in the day and not in the night. Did the presence of light make decisions for the human from nature. Why and how do we dream and how must they be interpreted and why must we believe Mr Freud on his theory. Was it Freud or someone else ?
Anyway.. just so many questions .. so many unanswered questions .. is it any wonder then that religion took berth.. it became a worthy and convenient answer to the multitude of queries that kept arising in the gullible, innocent and vulnerable human. Every time you hit a wall, God Almighty took over. HE had all the answers and explanations. Who invented religion ? And what a master he must have been to have accomplished that. To make the aspect of belief as a super being. Belief that God existed up in the heavens controlling and guiding us like strings on a puppet. No one had actually seen Him doing it, but belief had. Belief saw Him. Told us what He looked like, what He wore. What He liked and disliked. How He wished to be remembered in prayer and what regimen needed to be followed to put Him on a pedestal of respect and divinity.
Without it mankind or let us say human kind, just so that we do not upset the ladies, was at great loss. Unfettered, wild, savage and without order, the human species, one wonders, must have been an uncontrollable beast..
But belief put him/her in place. Brought order and systems, language and cultures, character and demeanor.
Millions of years have passed since. Belief has ruled and brought us sense and sensibility. Brought us closer to each other and furthest apart.
We live today in a world of constant turmoil. Our anxiety of the decade past, seem minuscule to those that present themselves today. Tomorrow these too shall pale in comparison. Man-womankind shall prevail and adjust and chop and change. But in the end, belief shall be the cornerstone.

Problem is.. the human has developed varied forms of belief. They differ and contrast. When belief shall be universal. When it shall have similarity in form and content, then shall we welcome with open hearts and mind, true UTOPIA ..

For this then we patiently wait ..
sanjay sasane